This is how the ocean looks must days on the Massachusetts South Shore. Sometimes, we get some winds and there is a swell, with rideable waves. Mostly, it's pretty calm. Lake-like.
Two weeks ago on St. Patrick's Day, we had a pretty big snow storm, and the Atlantic Ocean was pretty busy in these parts. These pics were taken around 11:30 AM, about an hour after high tide.

The black spots on this photo are IN it... that's all debris being washed aobut in the waves. Do not surf in water like this: it'll break your board, and maybe you!

This is a lobster trap, one among many, that was trounced upon the rocks.
That's a storm drain that empties out onto the beach.

Here's the beach access through the sea wall. Those cement blocks aren't there during the summer. In winter, they lay across the open space, intended to block the flow of water. Here, they have been puched over to the left... by man or nature? That water in the access is sea water draining
back out to sea after coming
over the seawall.

This house is a favorite of mine. You can see the water coming up the sides of the wall. It's about an eight foot drop down to the rocks, and on the ohouse side, it's about three foot high. The sides of this house are lined with beach-stones, and you'll see how that's a really good idea, given it's location. The fella who owns it helped me dig my car free after I stuck it in the sand this past fall.
Those meter-high posts are spaced about ten feet apart (yes, I'm mixing metric and SAE measurements). The bursts coming over the wall were even bigger an hour earlier that day.