Friday, September 26, 2003

We'll miss you Robert Palmer . . . this has not been a good year for celebrity folk.

It's probably too late for most of us to enter, but Carson City, NV will be hosting this years World Beard and Moustache Championships November 1, 2003. Thanks for the tip, Christina . . . I'm pulling for Alois Plettl from Bavaria. Yeah, why are there almost entirely German/Austrian contestants?
Just another hairy guy ...

The trifecta race has run! Looks like #2 MoJo Wiseman, finished first, #3 Caring Heart, second and #1 Sweet Italian Ice came in a sluggish third . . . #3 was a little skiddish on the turns, #1 her demise, I blame on the rider (Dave Palone or Jim Pantaleano he is not!). Both looked good out there, but lacked on spirit and follow through ... which was just part of what got #2 running strong. Hard to say when I'll be hitting the track again, but it was fun. We'll probably be seeing more of MoJo Wiseman, and Caring Heart may not be out to pasture yet. Somebody help poor Sweet Italian Ice, she ain't that bad!

And Doctor Who is on the comeback? i think the good Doctor gets several incarnations, right? Everyones fave Tom Baker appears in this article. I had such a mad crush on one his girl assisstants . . .

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Thanks John Bucket, for letting us know about this cool looking series on The Blues starting this Sunday, 9/28:
Ed Said is Dead

His name is really pronounced like Sah-yeed, but it looks like it should rhyme. He was a cool cat, though. We're reading him in my class right now.

On a little brighter side, I watched the movie A Mighty Wind last night with my friend MJ. Brought to you by the same folks who did Best in Show, I recommend checking it out.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Anyone remember the debates last fall and early winter between Europe and the U.S. about what the hex we're gonna do in Iraq, and who's gonna help us? there may not have been a lot of buzz about it, but apparently the Treaty of Westphalia entered into the arena. What's that you say?

So in 1648, these cats in Europe signed a treaty that helped define the peace in Europe, appropriate lands, establish countries, and set a standard for peace and war procedures. Apparently there is a clause about justifiably declaring war only if there is imminent danger of invasion. The treaty is called the Westphalia Treaty. Go read about it . . . and think about how it may have effectively or ineffectively entered into the debate between Rumsfeld and Co. and the Europeans.

In a sense it kinda fits with this word:

\Her`me*neu"tics\, n. [Gr. ? (sc. ?).] The science of interpretation and explanation; exegesis; esp., that branch of theology which defines the laws whereby the meaning of the Scriptures is to be ascertained. --Schaff-Herzog Encyc.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Stendahl Syndrome . . . I suffered from it after visiting the museum at the Papal Palace in Vatican City. Like this guy's description, I've been overtaken by art and beauty, to the point of being disoriented, but never felt guilty about it. Just woozy. . . this is not to be confused with Stockholm Syndrome. As Anders will have you know, the two are a little different.