Thursday, March 20, 2003

I dreamt of a wedding last night, they say that means something's gonna die
And what with a war waging now, I guess I needn't wonder why
Can I get a witness?

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

The story for today: Pulmonary Function Test or How to Do A Lot of Nothing and Get ALL Jazzed Up . . .

This morning I awoke around 8:30 to Michael Stipe piping about something we should all be doing or not doing, I dunno which one it was. I had a PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) for 9AM at the hospital. I brush my teeth pull some clothes on and go over to the hospital half awake. My script (doctor-talk for prescription) said I had to go to the 3rd floor, so I do. I find the place, ring the buzzer, sit and then wait. no reading material on the table, save a coupla brochures for Sleep Studies and some religious tracts, one in Portuguese. Kooky. A lady comes out and greets me, then a dude and both invite me to wait another minute. The lady comes back out, tells me she's wrestling with the printer and she's waiting for a maintenance guy to fix it.
"Know anything about printers?" she half-jokingly asks. "The printer's not jammed, it's just acting up." I suggest she unplug it and try again. And that works.
"We'll have to comp your test," she jokes. There are some other things she's got to fix as well, so I'd best go get some coffee downstairs cuz it'll be 15-20 minutes before she's ready. So I go back home, make a cup of coffee, field a call from the mechanic who says my car inspection IS going to be expensive, it's just a matter of how much money now. Heading back over, I have my coffee mug with me and return to the 3rd floor. They redirect me to the lobby area to register. Aren't I pre-registered? Yes, but you have to register and check in. Ok . . . this means waiting another half hour. While waiting, a hottie pharm rep walks in the front door and disappears. I finally get my registry interview form signing stuff, and then back upstairs. The hottie pharm rep rides the elevator up too. Where'd she come from? AMAZINGingly beautiful . . . I nod and smile, just a polite acknowledgement as I'm sure she must get hit on ALL the time.

Back on 3, they take me in to the little office and get set up. For a PFT, you breathe air into a machine: regular breathing first, then a big forceful breath push, and then they have you hyperventilate into the machine. You get so light headed . . . The guy running the test was pretty cool. More like a coach than a clinical guy, so it made for a more pleasant visit. After the initial battery of tests, he administered albuterol ( a broncho dialator) through an inhaler. I don't use my inhaler at home very often, just on an as needed basis. Albuterol is chemically similar to caffienne and he gave me a lot. more than I use even if I need it in a bad way. I know i sound like a junkie. He says, wait five minutes for that to take effect, I'll be back. I looked out the window, completely tweaked. He came back and we did the second battery of tests. Then of course the printer fails, and the power cord trick fails too. No lung function printout to put on the fridge. Dang! so they say no sweat, the insurance still gets billed. As I'm leaving, this guy from my old neighborhood walks in. Growing up there were three blonde girls, one in my grade, who lived up the street from me. Their dad is a doctor and I guess he works in South Side hospital. We said hey how are you and stuff, and then it was off to work. Yeah and then crossing the parkign lot, too, was the hottie pharm rep. :D
Yes, I'm all jazzed up on caffienne and caffienne-like stuff . . . but I think I' m starting to settle a little now. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh . . . :)

Here's a story from a month ago or so ... I was reluctant to share it, but then changed my mind.

My Puerile / Senile Rant: This isnt' pretty . . . Ever have one of those days where there isn't anything too too bad that happens but you feel shitty all the same? That would be yesterday. Work was OK, nothing exceptional. So it was neutral. Then I go to tutor. The 500 is a human sardine can, sans mustard sauce. Although this lady was telling me that some guy almost huked before he made it off the bus so . . . anyways, it was crowded. On the upside of that ride, halfway there, there were three college coeds who the driver let squeeze on (I was at the very front of the bus), and it was kinda like coed Neopolitan Ice cream: a blonde a brunette and a redhead, all cutie-pies. So being squished between them made the ride a bit more tolerable.So I get to tutoring. I made some good progress with my tutee, and he says out of the blue: "You look really old." Mind you, this is coming from a 12 yr old, so I imagine ! 23 is pushing the limits of something, let alone 28. But then afterwards his mom says, "You're like the Granpa who says: Come hear and sit down, you're gonna learn something." Which is I guess why I'm there, and it's a compliment sorta, cuz my guy is learning stuff apparently, but I'm not even 30 and I'm a grandpa? HUH?!??!?! what am I senile? anyways . . . so then I go to play racquetball, and that was super frustrating, but at least it worked out in the end. So ... I get home ... all bent, and I wanna go for a beer. Yeah, i'll go for like one beer. it's 11:30, so I'll be flying solo, kind of a given. Everyone is already home, ready for bed or soon to be. I think, i'll go to Dee's cuz maybe I'll see someone i know there. and I step outside and think, no it's a bit far, there'll be nobody I know there. Everyone is already home, ready for bed or soon to be. So I wander over to another local bar. It's a bit busy, but there's an open stool at the far end of the bar, and I sit. "Iron City" says, I. Then I start watching Letterman. On one side is a lat thirties couple, all googly with each other, which is cool. And next to me on the other side are two women and a guy: all 3 are in their mid to late forties (Who was just moaning about age?). They look local. I assume two of the three are a married couple or something. And they're talking about whatever. I'm watching Letterman. This guy on the show is doing bird calls, and it's funny funny funny. The dude with the two women rolls around to see what's funny. He;s standing behind me... like right behind me... wierd, but whatever, the TV;s at angle so ... I lean forward. Then I'm about done with my one beer, about to shake out when the bartender and these three are like "you got a beer coming." "No, I'm good thanks." These three are quite insistent that I stay for another beer. I have hardly spoken to them . . . wierd ! . . . so I shrug, say 'OK, thanks." An they go on talking about whatever. I sip my new beer and keep watching TV. Some hottie blonde actress comes on, and she's funny. starts talking about leather outfits . . . the dude says, "LEatHEer OUtfiTS? well Well WELL ... " and looks at me and then his friends and smiles. Awkward feeling of "you've-been-bought-a-different-beer-than-you-thought" washes over me, feeling increased as dude, stands behind me, and is now sorta leaning against me ... I lean forward and away from him. And it becomes apparent what is going on. "Friendly-local-guy-out-with-wife-and-wife's-friend beer" is revealed to be "I-think-you're-cute beer." How naieve am I? how unawares like clueless little boy (hence the puerile) am I? I dunno. So I finish my beer, nod and say an expressionless thanks ... " and I leave. I mean, it coulda been worse right? So on the way home i see my neighbor friends, Mike and Tammy. ! I say hi, I tell 'em aobut my naieve beer, and they giggle, and they tell me they were at Dee;s. "Oh I'm surprised you weren't there, all of you're friends were there. It was fun! :P . . . yeah i guess it coulda been worse, but i jsut had to rant.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Huh . . . sounds like I got some stuff to work out, but that there's hope and promise ahead. Now if we could only say the same for the rest of the world, US foreign policy and international relations. Seems like there's a lot of stuff there to be worked out. As many folks are saying, looking outside the US for your news seems to be the best approach . . . even the Canadians who back us on so many things aren't with GW . . . they'll help us fight terror in the Gulf and elsewhere, but no help kickin' out Saddam. We've got a sticky wicket folks . . .
I tried posting this earlier, but of course it disappeared right after I tried to post it. Quite fitting somehow ....
I woke this morning from a dream. As the weather was warm enough to leave the windows open and sunlight lit my room this morning, it was late May or early June in my dream. Definitely later in Spring. I was portaging a canoe thru the shallow bits of a stream and then pushed it on out into deeper waters. Fitting enough as I look back, it was possibly a snooze bar dream, so pushing back into the water of the subconscious seems quite appropriate. In real waking life, this lake is formed from a stream and I know it well from canoeing there often. When I would go, it was often shallower in some parts, shallow enough that you could see the tops or dorsal fins of the carp in the water. It was usually muddy too. As I wend my way along in my canoe, a stranger, also in a canoe and wearing a red cloak that hides his face accosts me. I politley acknowledge hima dn then try ignore him, but he persists, almost as if he wants to fight. I push myself away from his canoe with my paddle and head from the stream area out to where it's deeper lake water. The carp clear out, and there is an alligator making his way towards me. So I turn to head back into the stream where I figure I am safer. The gator nudges my boat and goes on his way. As I head into the stream where red cloak is waiting to meet me again. As he sidles up next to me he persists and I push him away with my paddle, he persits more and I poke him in the belly with my paddle. His legs and pelvis remain fixed to the seat, but his torso falls off and over into his canoe, revealing machinery and wires. My vanquished nemesis is a red cloaked robot, and paddling past him, I awoke. Kooky, methinks ... and this is what I found in the online dream dictionary stuff:
Spring To dream about spring is a sign of fortunate undertakings and cheerful companions.
May To dream of this month denotes prosperous times and pleasure for the young. Do not be discourage.
June Will have good earnings but must rely on own good judgement. Avoid rivals.

Canoe To see a canoe in your dream, represents serenity, simplicity, and independence. It is also a reflection of your emotional balance. You are moving ahead via your own power and determination.
Lake To see a lake in your dream, signifies your emotional state of mind. If the lake is clear and calm, then it symbolize your inner peace. If the lake is disturbed, then you may be going through some emotional turmoil.
Stream To see a stream in your dream, signifies that you will come upon a flow of fresh and profound ideas.
To see a frozen stream in your dream, indicates that your emotions have grown cold and hardened. This may reflect your hurt feelings which you need to confront and deal with.

Carp To see a carp in your dream, indicates that you need to put aside your pride and ego and not let it get in the way of friendships and relationships.
Alligator To see an alligator in your dream, signifies treachery, deceit, and hidden instincts. It may be a signal for you to take a new perspective on a situation. Alternatively, the alligator represents healing powers and qualities.
According to biblical interpretations, an alligator suggests that leviathan is king over the children of pride. (Psa 74:14, Job 41:1, Isa 27:1)
Chase To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream that you are chased by an animal, represents your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you may be running away from a primal urge or fear.
Cloak If see a torn or ragged cloak in your dream, signifies a separation between you and a friend or lover.
Adversary To dream that you are confronted by an adversary, signifies that you will defend any attacks against your interest.
To dream that you overcome an adversary, denotes that you will escape the effects of some serious disaster.
Red This is an indication of great passion and sensitivity in your emotional relationships.
Robot To see a robot in your dream, indicates that you are going about life in a mechanical and rigid way. You have lost the ability to express your feelings. Alternatively, a robot may symbolize the way you view your working life.

Happy St. Patrick's Day . . . !