Friday, August 29, 2003

If you need some burnination, play Trogdor!
Who knew there was all this stuff about the Dark Side of the Force . . . ?

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Go talk about Shitty Shitstein and Fucky McFuckface or whatever diatribe of swears you got lined up to the folks at Lucky Pierre's . You have until this weekend for them to record your three minutes of cuss guff.
And if you'r estill not satisfied and havemore angst to vent, you can go to Spain and pelt people with tomatoes. I totally recommend chekcing out the slideshow. Funny stuff . . .

And by the way, dark chocolate is better for you . . .

And perhaps only Anders (as far as readers of this blog go) may have a deeper interest in this guy: Scott of the Antarctic's rival

Tuesday, August 26, 2003