Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Oh how time flies when you're not blogging. I was a regular blogger, until I left my old job and started school. Honestly, there was little to post, unless if you wanted to know about grammar and such. You may be better off buying yourself a Warriner's then, but Max Morenberg has a good grammar book. Yeppers, starting to look like a teacher has been here . . .

OK, well other news.

Joe Hartnett and Megan Kelly got married, and should be back from Aruba sometime soonish...

Got to meet Kris Kelly's husband Jeff at the wedding. The wedding was totally fun by the way.

Got to hang out with the Seybert Family (Josh, Jesse and Jake) last week.

Made $2.06 busking last Saturday.

Meredith is off to Minneapolis in a couple weeks. Gonna miss her, but she's got a great opportunity ahead of her there.

Jim has moved out, and Marty Connolly has moved in to the place.

Oh yeah . . . and the Hookah Bars in South Side are pretty friggin cool! At least the one I've been to is cool. H-Kan in the 2200 block of Carson St. two doors up from Lava Lounge is cool spot to hang out. Especially if you want to be out, but not necessarily in a bar. It's like the beehive but different. They'll have food soon, and I hope they expand their drink menu. Stay non-alcoholic, or BYOB rather, I'll pay my "corking fee" but you need to get more than four types of tea. I have more than four types of tea in my house, and I don't consider myself a tea drinker. Four kinds of coffee, well sure.

I'll cut them some slack though... They've been open for four months, maybe five now, they're mostly focused on renovations, and getting something like a restaurant started to compliment the smoke. So picture this: some middle eastern food, then sit and enjoy a post dinner smoke of say, rose and jasmine or lemon or caramel smoke. It's not pot... ok? So many people, er dweebles, or whatever, walk by outside, hey nice bong man... some people never fail to not impress me. Anyways, go check out the H-Kan, it's pretty chill. bring a friend, maybe some beers. The staff is way friendly, atmosphere is chill. And Curt, you can smoke your cloves there. I think you'd dig it.

Books I've read: The Golem, Gustav Meyrink; Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Lynne Truss; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K Dick.