Thursday, November 18, 2004

I just shared a picture you may like, some of you for your own reasons, with Mikey Mel.

I had this moment, just a moment ago, where I was wondering what today's date was, and so I looked at the date/time thing in the lower right hand corner of my screen: Thursday, November 18, 2004. 11:18 AM . . . Hoo doggies . . . gotta like when that happens right?

Enjoy the Great American Smoke Out day. It's today, 11/18. I'll be sure to share that with all the smokers I encounter today, and then we'll laugh, maybe cough a little, gasp and chuckle.

And now, a poetry for you . . . we used this in my drama class about a month ago.

The Smoking Yokadokas
by Jack Prelutsky

We’re the Smoking Yokadokas,
we sincerely need to smoke,
and we do not mind the slightest
that our smoking makes you choke,
our malodorous miasma
will assail you when we’re near,
it will irritate your nostrils
and compel your eyes to tear.

We’re the Smoking Yokadokas,
we’re not nice to have around,
you can often hear us coughing,
it’s a coarse and raucous sound,
all our teeth are brown and yellow,
and our breath is always stale,
we’re especially offensive
at the moment we exhale.

Our appearance is unsightly,
we have ashes on our clothes,
our aroma is appalling,
you may have to hold your nose,
but don’t waste your time complaining
we contaminate the air,
we’re the Smoking Yokadokas,
and we simply do not care.

Text copyright © 1990 by Jack Prelutsky. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
©2002, American Heart Association. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Cannibal Stoudt

It's not available in stores, bars or beer distributors yet, but it's out there. I was hanging out with a friend from class for her birthday, and Amanda and her boyfriend Frank enjoy ;making homebrew. THeir friend however stepped it up a notch. Cannibal Stoudt apparently is made with yeast grown in human kidneys? Something odd like that, a scientific yeast used in human studies, or something. It's not the actual human cells yer drinking, so it's safe, at least I think it is . . . anyways, I tried some of this beer, and it was actually quite palatable. The coolest thing though, was the mini-tap that fits on top of wide mouth bottles. THis way you can have a gallon sized mini keg of beer, ya know homebrews, and keep it very fresh with this tap. Nothing worse than openign a big beer and having it go flat on you befor eyou get halfway through it. I'll get back to you with more details about the human yeast kidney thing. Wierd though, eh?
Painting by Numbers, a la Holden Caulfield.

I hated paint by numbers when I was a kid.

Not because I didn't enjoy doing them, in fact I had never even tried. I just thought that if you couldn't draw or paint, that a thing like paint by numbers was stupid, and you could totally tell how dumb the person was who did one. I hated paint by numbers. It was't even real painting, right? It's phony. It took no skill whatsoever. I would see paint-by-numbers in the toy section of the pharmacy or whatever and thought, who even does those? They're stupid.

Somebody gave me a paint-by-numbers set for a birthday present or something when I was 9 or 10. It sat on a shelf in my closet for a year or two, and I would think, why do I keep that thing? I hate paint by numbers. Then one evening, I was bored and I thought, OK, I'll find out just how dumb this stuff really is. I opened the box on my shelf, saw that there were brushes, two plastic arrays of paints, maybe ten or fifteen colors total? I dunno. And there were four or five 'canvases' with the outlines of some picture, numbers that corresponded to paints in the array trays, so you put color #7 on all the little spots that were marked ' 7.' So I started with a picture of a cowboy riding on a horse in the low desert. There were cactuses and scrub brush in the distance. It took a few hours over a few days to finish the whole thing, not letting the colors bleed over into the other number spaces.

The finished project looked sloppy. The horse's mane was kinda tough to master, because it had so many similar clors and it was hard to get enough but not tooo much paint in one little flourish of mane hair, and not have it blend with the others. So I thought, well, even though these are dumb, I'm gonna do another one, and I'll do it better than this last one. I tried using different colors, but that looked dumb. I ignored some of the spaces, and did what I wanted in others. This went on until I had finished all five of the paint by number canvases in the box. Then I had five pictures that were . . . OK . . . and what do I do with these things now? Roll my eyes at them and think how dumb paint by numbers is, at least now I've done them to be able to say they're dumb? Hmmm. I had enjoyed some of the painting, and because I enjoyed it, I couldn't say I hated paint by numbers anymore. I just thought they were still kinda stupid, even if they give you some experience painting stuff.