Thursday, July 03, 2003

Blogger looks different today. I wonder if that has to do with it's Google merger?
Maybe . . .

Anyways speaking of everyone's googly-eyed over Google, there is an interesting NY Times article from Thomas Friedman about Google

'And that brings me to the point of this column: While we may be emotionally distancing ourselves from the world, the world is getting more integrated. That means that what people think of us, as Americans, will matter more, not less. Because people outside America will be able to build alliances more efficiently in the world we are entering and they will be able to reach out and touch us — whether with computer viruses or anthrax recipes downloaded from the Internet — more than ever.
I am talking about the way information technology — everyone using e-mail, Wi-Fi and Google — will make it much easier for small groups to rally like-minded people, crystallize diffuse hatreds and mobilize lethal force. And wait until the whole world goes broadband. Broadband — a much richer Internet service that brings video on demand to your PC — will revolutionize recruiting, because video is such an emotionally powerful medium. Ever seen one of Osama bin Laden's recruiting videos? They're very effective, and they'll reach their targeted audience much more efficiently via broadband."

None of this means we, America, just have to do what the world wants, but we do have to take it seriously, and we do have to be good listeners. We, America, "have to work even harder to build bridges," argues Mr. Wright, because info-tech, left to its own devices, will make it so much easier for small groups to build their own little island kingdoms. And their island kingdoms, which may not seem important or potent now, will be able to touch us more, not less.

It sounds like Friedman thinks we should be responsible now that we figured out that the other kids like our toys, too. We already share, but we have to play nice. And I have to wonder what those Osama videos are like? I wonder if he has an arabic Frank Capra doing them? or a muslim Leni 'Steel-belted-radials' (I heard that's what 'Riefenstahl' means)? I understand that with video stuff, a cheap camera and an iMac, a boy like me could well make a music video for his songs. I bet a well-funded spigot of angst/terror/poop like bin laden can make a heck of a production. We need to get out of the brambles.

Everyone have good, safe, happy 4th!!! Celebrate the heck out of this wonderful country, cuz even if it's got it's problems, we could be much worse off.

And here's wishing a Happy Birthday to Delia tomorrow!!! You rock, Miss Monkeypants!!!