Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Long time no post ... Now long post.

Not a lot has been going on in the forefront, or even the backfront. Or at least that's how it seems to me. In reality, there's a lot brewing under the surface that sometimes suffervesces (imaginary word like effervesce, to bubble or froth up, made by combining the prefix sub- under or below, instead of ex- from, and fervescere to begin to boil, glow, meaning coming up from below to the surface) through my pores, or takes the form of an awkward expression. There is much change going on, but for all of the bubbling and frothing, it's hard to see just yet what shape it will take.

I've been cooking some good meals, often for friends, and trying to coordinate my job hunting efforts into something profitable. Or tangible. Or . . . job-like. I made a trip to NYC a month ago to attend a teacher job fair. it was informative, but I'll have to relate that tale shortly. Right now, I'm trying to get my forms and papers and what-not squared away with the NYC Board of Education so that they will offer me a teaching job. I'm trying to do the same for local schools in case NYC doesn't work out. Some consolation comes in knowing that many of my classmates in the PY program are also still looking and waiting for jobs.

New York City? Yes . . . and there's a certain part of moving away from Pittsburgh that is appealing to me, though it isn't mandatory for my existence. In fact, the thought of moving away is kinda scary . . . I have always lived here, and I have a great social network here, so why go? Why not just find a new apartment?

yes, and why New York? Fair enough question. Some say, I can totally see you teaching in NYC, and others ask if I have fallen or been hit in the head with a blunt object. It has some mysterious draw, NYC, perhaps because it is so big, and there will always be something new to see and explore. let the record stand that I use 'NYC' because it is shorthand, and easy to type, not to pose as uber-cool. Yes, my story will clarify any discrepancies on that point.