Friday, June 20, 2003

Hey Kids !!!

Have any plans for next Saturday (6/28/03)? Looking for a fun night with lots of entertainment? Come to the Millvale VFW to see Me and Marty (billed as Louie and the Humans, even though we don't have any Madge-esty) play a set of original tunes and other good stuff! Follow this link for the address and a link with directions:

5 bands, only 3 bucks! This is a benefit for the VFW itself. Lineup is: Nebulous, 4SP, 2Rock2, Louie and the Humans, and Big Brother In Law. The show starts at 6 PM and we should be going on 7:00 PM. I think we go on either right before or right after 4SP. So it looks like you should get there like around 7:00 - PM to be sure to see us.

Come check us out, you know you want to!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Josh has a link for this rag, which, funny enough, Kurt introduced me to while visiting in Seattle. Kookiest part? Seeing in print some random 'found' stuff that I remember seeing tacked up on a restroom wall here in Pittsburgh. Yeah, kooky.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . I have returned from my much needed vacation!!!

Seattle was beautiful, and it was great to see Kurt. I had pretty good flights out and back, but I am not an early morning airport person. Especially with security stuff (sigh). Anyways, I had a good trip, got to see Emma Rose and Shawn Kirk as well. They both (and Kurt too) send their love to the Pittsburgh folks.

I had some good Italian food, tried some Ethiopian food for the first time, injera is a strange kinda bread. Sorta like pita/pancake/with-some-kinda-tart-flavor, but believe me it was good food. They give you a platter with all of your food on it, and the injera is like your dish and utensil. Pretty cool new dining experience for me.

I got to see a good bit of the city and University district, but I think my favorite part of the whole trip was hiking in the mountains outside of the city. Talk about nature's majesty! And it was kinda cool to walk on deep snow in June. Kooky!

It was cool to see Kurt and a few of his friends to play out at the Pioneer Square Saloon as well.